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September 21st: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 17
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 17: How Hushai helps defeat the course of Ahithophel and the importance of prayerful trust in Yahweh.
September 20th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 16
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 16: The suffering of David at the hands of Ziba, Shimei, and Absalom—and the suffering of Jesus.
September 19th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 15
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 15: How all the unresolved problems of David’s reign combine to allow Absalom to steal the kingdom.
September 18th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 14
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 14: How Joab manipulates David, how David ignores Absalom’s red flags, and the hard work of discipline.
September 17th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 13
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 13: Amnon’s bad company, the lie of sexual temptation, and the beginning of the story of Absalom.
September 16th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 12
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 12: Nathan’s brave confrontation of David, David’s unqualified repentance, and gospel confidence.
September 15th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 11
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 11: David’s disastrous sin with Bathsheba, the progress of sin, and how to guard against temptation.
September 14th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 10
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 10: The violence of David, the kingdom and purpose of God, and the coming of Jesus, the warrior-king.
September 13th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 8–9
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 8–9: Jonathan’s covenant with David, Mephibosheth, and Jesus’ covenantal kindness toward us.
September 12th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 7
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 7: The house David wanted to build of Yahweh, and the house that Yahweh did build for David—and for us.
September 11th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 6
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 6: The worship of Yahweh, his deadly holiness, and the reason we should abandon our glory for Yahweh’s.
September 10th: Bible Meditation for 2 Samuel 4–5
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for 2 Samuel 4–5: The fate of the Jebusites, the City of David, and the king-priest who reigns in Jerusalem.