Bible Readings for July 17th Joshua 24 | Acts 4 | Jeremiah 13 | Matthew 27 In Joshua 24, we find God burying another one of his mighty workmen, Joshua. But before Joshua goes to his grave, he renews Israel’s covenant with Yahweh. We should not miss that the covenant...
Bible Readings for June 6th Deuteronomy 10 | Psalm 94 | Isaiah 38 | Revelation 8 When God commanded in Genesis 17 that every male in the household of Abraham be circumcised, he never intended for circumcision to be merely a physical act. Instead, physical...
Bible Readings for May 29th Deuteronomy 2 | Psalms 83–84 | Isaiah 30 | Jude 1 As we discussed yesterday, Deuteronomy gives us Moses’s final sermon before his death. It may seem strange, then, that Deuteronomy, the “second law,” does not begin with the law at all....
Bible Readings for May 28th Deuteronomy 1 | Psalms 81–82 | Isaiah 29 | 3 John 1 Although Deuteronomy is one of the longer books in the Old Testament, with thirty-four chapters, it does not represent the passage of much time. In Deuteronomy, we do not read new...