Bible Readings for December 18th 2 Chronicles 21 | Revelation 9 | Zechariah 5 | John 8 Jehoshaphat, as we discovered over the last three days, reigned with a mixture of good and evil. Tragically, Jehoshaphat’s son Jehoram follows only in the evil footsteps of his...
Bible Readings for June 4th Deuteronomy 8 | Psalm 91 | Isaiah 36 | Revelation 6 Deuteronomy 7–9 contains three separate reflections on the scandal of particularity, the subject we discussed in our meditation from Deuteronomy 4. In these chapters, Moses raises three...
Bible Readings for June 3rd Deuteronomy 7 | Psalm 90 | Isaiah 35 | Revelation 5 Deuteronomy 7 features the second-best circular logic in the Bible. Let me explain what I mean by pointing out Deuteronomy 7:6, where Moses reminds Israel that “you are a people holy to...
Bible Readings for May 31st Deuteronomy 4 | Psalms 86–87 | Isaiah 32 | Revelation 2 The phrase “scandal of particularity” describes the shock of realizing that Yahweh chose to save the world through a particular person in a particular place at a particular time....
Bible Readings for May 6th Numbers 14 | Psalm 50 | Isaiah 3–4 | Hebrews 11 If things started to fall apart in Numbers 12, it’s in Numbers 13 and 14 that the situation in Israel completely unravels. Ever since Yahweh promised Abraham he would give Abraham’s offspring...