Bible Readings for January 2nd Genesis 2 | Matthew 2 | Ezra 2 | Acts 2 Where Genesis 1 gave a fly-by overview of creation, Genesis 2 slows the narrative down to tell us more details about the creation of Adam and Eve, as well as Yahweh’s purposes for humankind on...
Bible Readings for January 1st Genesis 1 | Matthew 1 | Ezra 1 | Acts 1 There is a beautiful simplicity to Genesis 1 that masks its rich theological depth. Nothing about the straightforward description of each day’s creation nor about the repetition of God’s decreeing...
Bible Readings for August 11th 1 Samuel 1 | Romans 1 | Jeremiah 39 | Psalms 13–14 Quietly, through a poor, widowed Moabite woman—the most unlikely person possible—God put into motion a plan in the book of Ruth for raising up a king. This king would shepherd God’s...
Bible Readings for May 20th Numbers 29 | Psalm 73 | Isaiah 21 | 2 Peter 2 It is difficult to overstate the significance of the calendar of worship that Yahweh gave for his people. Every year, Yahweh commanded the people of Israel to appear before him during three...
Bible Readings for March 14th Exodus 25 | John 4 | Proverbs 1 | 2 Corinthians 13 For modern readers, the detailed instructions that Yahweh gives for the construction of the tabernacle can become a bit tedious—something like reading a complex instruction manual without...