Bible Readings for February 15th Genesis 48 | Luke 1:39–80 | Job 14 | 1 Corinthians 2 In Genesis 48:5–7, Jacob formally adopts Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. There is a solid, practical reason for Jacob to do so: by adopting Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob gives...
Bible Readings for February 14th Genesis 47 | Luke 1:1–38 | Job 13 | 1 Corinthians 1 As we discussed yesterday, the last few chapters of Genesis are setting up the story we will read in Exodus—a story of God’s redemption of his people that lives at the heart of the...
Bible Readings for February 13th Genesis 46 | Mark 16 | Job 12 | Romans 16 What an incredible scene it must have been to see Jacob reunited with his son whom he had believed to be dead for so many years: “[Joseph] presented himself to [Jacob] and fell on his neck and...
Bible Readings for February 12th Genesis 45 | Mark 15 | Job 11 | Romans 15 I love to imagine what must have been going through the minds of Joseph’s brothers when he revealed himself to them. All we are told directly is that “his brothers could not answer him, for...
Bible Readings for February 11th Genesis 44 | Mark 14 | Job 10 | Romans 14 By Genesis 44, Joseph has spent considerable time with his brothers. He has interrogated them, imprisoned them, and feasted with them. It does not seem as though anything Joseph has done—even...