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August 4th: Bible Meditation for Judges 18
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 18: The Danites, the furthered career of the Levite, and the way that sin always begets more sin.
August 3rd: Bible Meditation for Judges 17
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 17: Micah, the Levite, everyone doing what is right in their own eyes, and our sins of vague religion.
August 2nd: Bible Meditation for Judges 16
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 16: How Samson was sold for pieces of silver and gave up his life to save his people to foreshadow Jesus.
August 1st: Bible Meditation for Judges 15
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 15: What is right in Samson’s eyes and how God uses even those who rebel against him—through deep pain.
July 31st: Bible Meditation for Judges 14
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 14: The riddle of Samson’s disastrous bride, his defeat of the lion, and his making himself unclean.
July 30th: Bible Meditation for Judges 13
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 13: A barren woman giving birth to a man set apart as a Nazirite—and how Samson foreshadows Christ.
July 29th: Bible Meditation for Judges 12
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 12: Ephraim’s fight with Jephthah, Jephthah’s slaughter of Ephraim, and the need for unity in Christ.
July 28th: Bible Meditation for Judges 11
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 11: The shadow of Christ in the life of Jephthah—especially in his foolish vow to sacrifice his daughter.
July 27th: Bible Meditation for Judges 10
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 10: Yahweh’s test to bring Israel to repentance and the need to seek Yahweh while he may be found.
July 26th: Bible Meditation for Judges 9
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 9: Abimelech’s treachery, Shechem’s wickedness, and God’s timing to give us good desires in his own time.
July 25th: Bible Meditation for Judges 8
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 8: The downfall of Gideon and the warning that beginning well does not prove we will finish well.
July 24th: Bible Meditation for Judges 7
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Judges 7: Gideon’s army of 300 soldiers, the dream of the Midianites, and the victory of God in Israel’s battle.