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May 25th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 34
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 34: Warfare, inheritance, and the foregone conclusion of victory for those who are in Christ.
May 24th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 33
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 33: The faithfulness of Yahweh, the warnings to Israel, and the good work that God will complete.
May 23rd: Bible Meditation for Numbers 32
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 32: The inheritance of Reuben and Gad, the firstfruits of the promised land, and the balm of Gilead.
May 22nd: Bible Meditation for Numbers 31
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 31: The warfare and vengeance of God in the promised land and the coming warrior, King Jesus.
May 21st: Bible Meditation for Numbers 30
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 30: Faithfulness, keeping oaths, and the love of Christ to bear his bride’s faithlessness on the cross.
May 20th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 29
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 29: The feasts of the old covenant, the holiness of time, and the Sabbath rest of God in Christ.
May 19th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 28
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 28: The perpetual bloodshed of the old covenant priesthood and the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus.
May 18th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 27
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 27: The daughters of Zelophehad, kinsman redeemers, and making preparations for the next generation.
May 17th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 26
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 26: The two censuses of Israel, the warfare of Israel to inherit Canaan, and the armor of God.
May 16th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 25
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 25: The righteousness of Phineas, piercing the idolator, and the righteousness of Jesus, pierced for us.
May 15th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 24
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 24: What the oracles of Balaam teach us about Israel, and about the star who would come out of Israel.
May 14th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 23
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 23: The eternal trustworthiness of the God, who does not lie or change his mind, in his word.