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April 20th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 24
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 24: What old covenant civil laws—like laws against blasphemy—teach us about the kingdom of God today.
April 19th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 23
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 23: The old covenant feasts and how they foreshadowed the person and work of Jesus Christ.
April 18th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 22
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 22: Why the priests were held to higher standards of cleanness and purity than the rest of Israel.
April 17th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 21
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 21: Why priests were forbidden from marrying certain people and mourning the loss of their loved ones.
April 16th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 20
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 20: What Yahweh demands of the people whom he has chosen, set apart, and called to himself.
April 15th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 19
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 19: How the law helps us love our neighbor as ourselves. Also, why the law is about love, not rules.
April 14th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 18
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 18: Why God gives us our sexuality, what he wants from our sexuality, and how we pursue holiness.
April 13th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 17
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 17: The theology of blood that informs the whole Bible, and what additionally we learn from Jesus.
April 12th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 16
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 16: The robes, the sin offerings, the scapegoat, and the purification of the Day of Atonement.
April 11th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 15
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 15: Normal bodily functions, cleanness, purification, and the contagious holiness of Jesus.
April 10th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 14
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 14: Cleansing from leprosy, the horror of the curse of sin, and the weakness of the law.
April 9th: Bible Meditation for Leviticus 13
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Leviticus 13: Leprosy, the curse of sin, and why Jesus came to make lepers (and therefore sinners) clean.