Bible Readings for December 13th 2 Chronicles 14–15 | Revelation 4 | Haggai 2 | John 3 Like Abijah, the godly King Asa received a fairly short treatment in 1 Kings 15:9–24. In the book of 2 Chronicles, however, the story of King Asa is significantly expanded, with...
Bible Readings for December 12th 2 Chronicles 13 | Revelation 3 | Haggai 1 | John 2 King Abijah received a very short treatment in 1 Kings 15. There, where his name is spelled Abijam, we read three simple details. First, he walked in the sins of Rehoboam, his father...
Bible Readings for December 11th 2 Chronicles 11–12 | Revelation 2 | Zephaniah 3 | John 1 As we began to discuss yesterday, the accounts we will find in 2 Chronicles from this point forward will focus exclusively on the perspective of the southern nation of Judah,...
Bible Readings for December 10th 2 Chronicles 10 | Revelation 1 | Zephaniah 2 | Luke 24 The narrative in 2 Chronicles 10 tells how the ten tribes of Israel rebel from the house of David. The version we find in 2 Chronicles for the most part retells the same story of...
Bible Readings for December 9th 2 Chronicles 9 | Jude 1 | Zephaniah 1 | Luke 23 The material we find in 2 Chronicles 9 is, in almost every respect, identical to the material we read in 1 Kings 10. So, the account we read of the visit of the queen of Sheba is virtually...
Bible Readings for December 8th 2 Chronicles 8 | 3 John 1 | Habakkuk 3 | Luke 22 In our meditations on 1 Chronicles, we looked at the ways in which the Chronicler depicts David without many of his flaws recorded in 1 and 2 Samuel. In the same way, we also find that...