Bible Readings for December 14th 2 Chronicles 16 | Revelation 5 | Zechariah 1 | John 4 Yesterday, in 2 Chronicles 14–15, we looked at the positive aspects of King Asa’s reign over the nation of Judah, which were given in far greater detail than what we had seen in the...
Bible Readings for December 13th 2 Chronicles 14–15 | Revelation 4 | Haggai 2 | John 3 Like Abijah, the godly King Asa received a fairly short treatment in 1 Kings 15:9–24. In the book of 2 Chronicles, however, the story of King Asa is significantly expanded, with...
Bible Readings for December 12th 2 Chronicles 13 | Revelation 3 | Haggai 1 | John 2 King Abijah received a very short treatment in 1 Kings 15. There, where his name is spelled Abijam, we read three simple details. First, he walked in the sins of Rehoboam, his father...
Bible Readings for December 11th 2 Chronicles 11–12 | Revelation 2 | Zephaniah 3 | John 1 As we began to discuss yesterday, the accounts we will find in 2 Chronicles from this point forward will focus exclusively on the perspective of the southern nation of Judah,...
Bible Readings for December 10th 2 Chronicles 10 | Revelation 1 | Zephaniah 2 | Luke 24 The narrative in 2 Chronicles 10 tells how the ten tribes of Israel rebel from the house of David. The version we find in 2 Chronicles for the most part retells the same story of...
Bible Readings for December 9th 2 Chronicles 9 | Jude 1 | Zephaniah 1 | Luke 23 The material we find in 2 Chronicles 9 is, in almost every respect, identical to the material we read in 1 Kings 10. So, the account we read of the visit of the queen of Sheba is virtually...