Bible Readings for June 16th Deuteronomy 21 | Psalms 108–109 | Isaiah 48 | Revelation 18 Deuteronomy 21:22–23 contains critical background information for understanding Jesus’ crucifixion. Here, we see that the cross was not a last-minute mistake but that Yahweh had...
Bible Readings for June 15th Deuteronomy 20 | Psalm 107 | Isaiah 47 | Revelation 17 In Luke 14:15–24, Jesus tells the Parable of the Great Banquet. In the story, a man prepares a great feast and invites many to come. Strangely, when the man’s servant personally...
Bible Readings for June 14th Deuteronomy 19 | Psalm 106 | Isaiah 46 | Revelation 16 In Deuteronomy 19, Moses turns his attention to the civil laws that were written to govern daily life in Israel. The three laws in Deuteronomy 19 underscore three important principles...
Bible Readings for June 13th Deuteronomy 18 | Psalm 105 | Isaiah 45 | Revelation 15 Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are filled with regulations for the Levitical priests in Israel, and in yesterday’s reading from Deuteronomy 17, Moses laid out the...
Bible Readings for June 12th Deuteronomy 17 | Psalm 104 | Isaiah 44 | Revelation 14 Deuteronomy 17 serves as the standard against which we should judge the kings of Israel and Judah as we read about them in the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. In this passage,...
Bible Readings for June 11th Deuteronomy 16 | Psalm 103 | Isaiah 43 | Revelation 13 In Deuteronomy 16, Moses names the three festivals that all Israelite males were expected to attend: Passover, the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), and the Feast of Booths. As we saw in our...