Bible Readings for December 11th 2 Chronicles 11–12 | Revelation 2 | Zephaniah 3 | John 1 As we began to discuss yesterday, the accounts we will find in 2 Chronicles from this point forward will focus exclusively on the perspective of the southern nation of Judah,...
Bible Readings for October 13th 1 Kings 16 | Colossians 3 | Ezekiel 46 | Psalm 102 In 1 Kings 16, the northern nation of Israel descends quickly into chaos because of the sin of their many kings. Where Asa, the godly king of Judah, reigns for a total of forty-one...
Bible Readings for October 11th 1 Kings 14 | Colossians 1 | Ezekiel 44 | Psalms 97–98 The overall sweep of the books of Samuel and Kings builds the case against both the nations of Israel and Judah in order to justify Yahweh’s sending both nations into exile. In many...
Bible Readings for October 6th 1 Kings 9 | Ephesians 6 | Ezekiel 39 | Psalm 90 In 1 Kings 9, Yahweh accepts Solomon’s prayer from 1 Kings 8, saying, “I have heard your prayer and your plea, which you have made before me. I have consecrated this house that you have...