Bible Readings for November 30th 1 Chronicles 28 | 2 Peter 2 | Micah 5 | Luke 14 As we come to the end of David’s life in 1 Chronicles, there is one question we have not yet addressed: Was David right to take such an active role in reshaping the worship in Israel in...
Bible Readings for October 3rd 1 Kings 6 | Ephesians 3 | Ezekiel 36 | Psalm 86 In the beginning, God dwelt with his people in the temple of his creation—that is, in the perfection of the Garden of Eden. There, Yahweh walked among his people, who dwelt with their God...
Bible Readings for April 7th Leviticus 10 | Psalms 11–12 | Proverbs 25 | 1 Thessalonians 4 The holiness of God is awful and terrible—not in the sense of being “bad,” but in the sense of commanding great fear, dread, and reverence. One of the great sins of modern...
Bible Readings for March 26th Exodus 37 | John 16 | Proverbs 13 | Ephesians 6 In Exodus 37, we read about the construction of four pieces of furniture for the tabernacle: the ark of the covenant, the table, the lampstand, and the altar of incense. Today, we will...
Bible Readings for March 19th Exodus 30 | John 9 | Proverbs 6 | Galatians 5 Much of Exodus 30 is focused on an important aspect of tabernacle worship: the altar of incense (Ex. 30:1–10) and the recipe for the incense that would be burned on the altar (Ex. 30:34–38)....