Bible Readings for August 11th 1 Samuel 1 | Romans 1 | Jeremiah 39 | Psalms 13–14 Quietly, through a poor, widowed Moabite woman—the most unlikely person possible—God put into motion a plan in the book of Ruth for raising up a king. This king would shepherd God’s...
Bible Readings for July 30th Judges 13 | Acts 17 | Jeremiah 26 | Mark 12 In Judges 13, we read the beginning of the story of one of the more prominent figures in the book of Judges: Samson. Most importantly, the story of Samson foreshadows the story of Jesus in...
Bible Readings for January 26th Genesis 27 | Matthew 26 | Esther 3 | Acts 26 The blessing that Isaac pronounces on Jacob—the blessing that he does not pronounce on Esau, despite his intentions to do so—was not a vague wish for his son’s well being. In fact, it was a...
Bible Readings for January 24th Genesis 25 | Matthew 24 | Esther 1 | Acts 24 Genesis 25 is a chapter of extreme transition in the unfolding story of God’s salvation in and through his people. In this chapter, we see God’s purposes in election across three generations....
Bible Readings for January 7th Genesis 7 | Matthew 7 | Ezra 7 | Acts 7 In the wake of the intermingling of the sons of God (the godly line of Seth) and the daughters of man (the wicked line of Cain) that we looked at yesterday in Genesis 6, God makes a promise: “My...