Bible Readings for January 4th Genesis 4 | Matthew 4 | Ezra 4 | Acts 4 Isn’t it shocking to find a story of murder only one chapter after Adam and Eve are expelled from the perfections of the Garden of Eden? This act of fratricide in Genesis 4 demonstrates that the...
Bible Readings for January 3rd Genesis 3 | Matthew 3 | Ezra 3 | Acts 3 Although it’s difficult to see in English translations, Genesis 3:8 is one of the most tragic verses in the whole Bible: “And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool...
Bible Readings for January 2nd Genesis 2 | Matthew 2 | Ezra 2 | Acts 2 Where Genesis 1 gave a fly-by overview of creation, Genesis 2 slows the narrative down to tell us more details about the creation of Adam and Eve, as well as Yahweh’s purposes for humankind on...
Bible Readings for December 31st 2 Chronicles 36 | Revelation 22 | Malachi 4 | John 21 The focal point of 2 Chronicles 36 is not in the stories of the wicked sons of Josiah, Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim, nor in the stories of the brothers Jehoiachin and Zedekiah, who...
Bible Readings for October 3rd 1 Kings 6 | Ephesians 3 | Ezekiel 36 | Psalm 86 In the beginning, God dwelt with his people in the temple of his creation—that is, in the perfection of the Garden of Eden. There, Yahweh walked among his people, who dwelt with their God...