Bible Readings for January 3rd Genesis 3 | Matthew 3 | Ezra 3 | Acts 3 Although it’s difficult to see in English translations, Genesis 3:8 is one of the most tragic verses in the whole Bible: “And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool...
Bible Readings for October 23rd 2 Kings 4 | 1 Timothy 1 | Daniel 8 | Psalm 116 In 2 Kings 4, we learn that the ministry of Elisha doesn’t simply pick up where Elijah left off—rather, Elisha actually mirrors the ministry of Elijah, and in doing so, his ministry points...
Bible Readings for October 1st 1 Kings 3 | Ephesians 1 | Ezekiel 34 | Psalms 83–84 Solomon’s kingdom rises to great heights primarily through the events in the story from today’s reading in 1 Kings 3. Solomon is not an ordinary king—although, as we discussed...
Bible Readings for September 27th 2 Samuel 23 | Galatians 3 | Ezekiel 30 | Psalm 78:38–72 David’s last words in 2 Samuel 23:1–7 are brief, but they are worthy of careful study. In this short speech, David gives us a summary of his reflections on his kingship—or, more...
Bible Readings for August 30th 1 Samuel 23 | 1 Corinthians 4 | Ezekiel 2 | Psalm 38 In the interactions of David, Saul, and Jonathan, 1 Samuel 23 teaches us much about the nature of true kingship. We learn here what God’s true king should look like—and what it would...