Bible Readings for April 17th Leviticus 21 | Psalms 26–27 | Ecclesiastes 4 | 1 Timothy 6 If the last few chapters of Leviticus have focused on the personal holiness required of all Israelites, Leviticus 21–22 focuses specifically on the personal holiness of the...
Bible Readings for April 16th Leviticus 20 | Psalm 25 | Ecclesiastes 3 | 1 Timothy 5 The majority of Leviticus 20 focuses on Yahweh’s prohibitions against four kinds of wickednesses: child sacrifice (Lev. 20:1–5), mediums and wizards (Lev. 20:6, 27), cursing one’s...
Bible Readings for March 30th Leviticus 1 | John 20 | Proverbs 17 | Philippians 4 Christians sometimes have a difficult time reading Leviticus. We tend to see Leviticus as a long book of rules that are entirely irrelevant to our lives, and then it becomes difficult to...