Bible Readings for September 1st 1 Samuel 25 | 1 Corinthians 6 | Ezekiel 4 | Psalms 40–41 At the beginning of 1 Samuel 25, the great prophet Samuel dies, an event the biblical author records with characteristic understatement, using just one verse (1 Sam. 25:1). Once...
Bible Readings for June 25th Deuteronomy 30 | Psalm 119:73–96 | Isaiah 57 | Matthew 5 Back in Deuteronomy 10:16, Moses had commanded the people of Israel to circumcise the foreskin of their hearts, and here in Deuteronomy 30, heart circumcision appears again as the...
Bible Readings for June 17th Deuteronomy 22 | Psalms 110–111 | Isaiah 49 | Revelation 19 As we read through the laws given to Israel that governed what to do with a lost ox (Deut. 22:1–4) or what specifications were required for building a roof on your house (Deut....
Bible Readings for May 26th Numbers 35 | Psalm 79 | Isaiah 27 | 1 John 5 In Numbers 35, Yahweh lays out a plan for creating cities of refuge—six of the forty-eight cities that the Levites would inhabit (Num. 35:6–7). These cities of refuge were a place for a person to...
Bible Readings for April 15th Leviticus 19 | Psalms 23–24 | Ecclesiastes 2 | 1 Timothy 4 Sandwiched between two sections of laws in Leviticus 19 that deal with matters of personal holiness (Lev. 19:1–8, 19–37) is a passage in which we find one of the most famous...