Bible Readings for June 17th Deuteronomy 22 | Psalms 110–111 | Isaiah 49 | Revelation 19 As we read through the laws given to Israel that governed what to do with a lost ox (Deut. 22:1–4) or what specifications were required for building a roof on your house (Deut....
Bible Readings for May 26th Numbers 35 | Psalm 79 | Isaiah 27 | 1 John 5 In Numbers 35, Yahweh lays out a plan for creating cities of refuge—six of the forty-eight cities that the Levites would inhabit (Num. 35:6–7). These cities of refuge were a place for a person to...
Bible Readings for April 15th Leviticus 19 | Psalms 23–24 | Ecclesiastes 2 | 1 Timothy 4 Sandwiched between two sections of laws in Leviticus 19 that deal with matters of personal holiness (Lev. 19:1–8, 19–37) is a passage in which we find one of the most famous...
Bible Readings for April 3rd Leviticus 6 | Psalms 5–6 | Proverbs 21 | Colossians 4 In Leviticus 5–6, we read about the final type of sacrifice under the old covenant Levitical priesthood: the guilt offering. The guilt offering was similar to the sin offering in two...
Bible Readings for March 28th Exodus 39 | John 18 | Proverbs 15 | Philippians 2 With the construction of the priestly garments, all the plans Yahweh gave Moses were brought to completion. Yahweh had established a tabernacle in the midst of Israel where he could dwell....