Bible Readings for January 14th Genesis 15 | Matthew 14 | Nehemiah 4 | Acts 14 It is not surprising that we should find Abram so frustrated when Yahweh seems to have failed to keep his promise. Even a great man of faith like Abram struggles with the same kind of...
Bible Readings for January 13th Genesis 14 | Matthew 13 | Nehemiah 3 | Acts 13 In our meditation on Genesis 11, we mentioned that Babylon (Babel) is the archenemy of the people of God throughout the Scriptures. In Genesis 14, we meet Babylon again through Amraphel,...
Bible Readings for January 12th Genesis 13 | Matthew 12 | Nehemiah 2 | Acts 12 Although God had extended shocking grace by calling Abram in Genesis 12:1–3, we read in Genesis 12:10–20 that Abram disbelieves God and leaves the land of Canaan (where God had commanded...
Bible Readings for January 11th Genesis 12 | Matthew 11 | Nehemiah 1 | Acts 11 If Genesis 11 is arguably the second lowest point in the Bible, then Genesis 12 is possibly the second most hopeful in the Bible—the only moment of greater triumph being the resurrection of...
Bible Readings for January 10th Genesis 11 | Matthew 10 | Ezra 10 | Acts 10 Arguably, Genesis 11 describes the second lowest point for humanity in the whole Bible—the only exception being the three days when Jesus lay dead in the tomb. We saw Adam and Eve expelled...
Bible Readings for January 9th Genesis 9–10 | Matthew 9 | Ezra 9 | Acts 9 After God destroys the world with a flood during the days of Noah, he promises he will never pour out the same kind of judgment on the earth until the very end of time: “While the earth remains,...