Latest on Free Daily Bible Study
May 13th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 22
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 22: The faithfulness of Yahweh to protect Israel from Balaam, even after the faithlessness of Israel.
May 12th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 21
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 21: Israel’s rebellion, the fiery serpents, and the bronze serpent lifted up in the wilderness.
May 11th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 20
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 20: The disqualification of Moses from entering into the promised land and the righteousness of Jesus.
May 10th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 19
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 19: The unholiness of death and the cleansing mixture of water with the ashes of a red heifer.
May 9th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 17–18
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 17–18: Budding life from the dead staff of Aaron and the fruit that Jesus offers when we abide in him.
May 8th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 16
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 16: Korah’s rebellion, the test of the incense censer, and God’s wrath against those who claim holiness.
May 7th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 15
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 15: High-handed sins, the case of the Sabbathbreaker, and David’s prayer after his own high-handed sin.
May 6th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 14
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 14: The cowardice of Israel’s spies, the rebellion of the people, and the mediation of Moses.
May 5th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 12–13
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 12–13: The challenge Miriam and Aaron level against Moses’s prophetic exclusivity, and God’s response.
May 4th: Bible Meditation for Numbers 11
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 11: The expansion of the Holy Spirit’s resting on the seventy elders of Israel, and not only Moses.
May 3rd: Bible Meditation for Numbers 10
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 10: The function and theology of the trumpet to break Israel’s camp and to summon them to war.
May 2nd: Bible Meditation for Numbers 9
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan Meditation for Numbers 9: The provision that Yahweh makes for those unclean during Passover to celebrate the feast anyway.